Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Christmas

REMEMBER to collect  disposable materials from the list we created. So the first day of class, next 8th January, we will start working on i:

  • Rolls of higyenic papers
  • Rolls of kitchen paper
  • Xmas present wrapping paper
  • Drinking tins
  • Forks
  • Pots of jam, pineapple,tomato....
  • CDs
  • and your imagination!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


We are GREEN on PhotoPeach

Questions on recycle

First term is finished and our students of 4th ESO are quite awared about recycling,  that ´s why they have given their opinion how to solve it.


In our family, we usually produce one bin bag a day, so seven bin bags a week. In part, seven bin bags a week, is okay, but we could reduce them by recycling and doing other things.
We think we could reduce them, by putting more rubbish in the bags, and if somethings can be recycled and put on other rubbish bins, do it.
Doing this, we can provide of polluting our country, and also provide wasting to much money.
By Anna Palou and Martí Moreno


Our families, from Anna and Oriol are very similar in the time to recycle rubbish. I think that we recycle about 7 or 8 kg each week. I don’t know if this kg are a lot or are a little bit for a week, but this is what we think.
To reduce this effect, we should reuse more thinks than now, for example, the food  we throw away put it in a separated plate and eat it another moment instead off throw to the rubbish.
Another thing we can do to reduce this fact is reuse recycling paper instead off  use a new paper. We think this are the best forms to reduce all the rubbish that we produced.
By Anna Guixeras and Oriol Bernal

·        Do you think pollution is responsible for changes in the weather? Why/not? How/much?
Yes, because it affects the ozone layer. For this reason, the lives of people as with the degree of pollution living your life can be extended or not.
Contamination can also cause some diseases.
Some countries are highly polluted this planet and its inhabitants can’t go outside or to prevent serious diseases in the worst case, death
By Bernat Arechinolaza and Sergi Vicente

·        Something which is rubbish to you may not be rubbish to someone else; for example, old clothes. Do you ever give your old clothes to charity instead of throwing them away?Why/not?
Yes we do it. When we can. We think that if we don’t need the clothes we can give to the poor people, or some people that need clothes. It’s a very nice act to do, and we are proud of this. We think that when people don’t use their clothes it’s honest that they give to the church. And the poor people are grateful for this.
By Carla  Flores  and  Angel Petit

·        How much rubbish do you and your family produce each week?
We have been calculating how much rubbish we produce and thinking that we could do to reduce this amount. We have come to the conclusion that our families (consisting of four members each) produce about 7-8 pounds each week and the best way to reduce the amount we produce is our watchword using “RRR” (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse), we are going to do this. Do you?
By Carlos Jorva and Enrique Bazán

·        Would you like to be a dust man/woman? Why not? What are the good points and bad points of the job?
We wouldn’t want to be a dustman/woman because we don’t like to collect the rubbish of the street, and because we want to work in a job that we like, and we don’t like this.
The good point is that they help to the city for a clean city, and the bad points are that they work a lot and they recibe a little part of the money. Then it works all the day with rubbish and it don’t make a good smell. And if there isn’t work a possibility is to be dustman/woman .
By Carlota Majos and Kevin Henríquez
·         How much rubbish do you and your family produce each week? What can you do to reduce this?
We produce a lot of rubbish every week, we are 4 in the family and we have to reduce it. We can reuse bottles of water or another opcion for be more green person is use things like BRITA. This objects clean the water and you can reduce the bottles in the word. Also you can put your breakfast in a tapper and you reduse paper and you help the enviroment of the world. Also we can turn off the charger when you don't use it. Also we can turn off the tap every time you are doing another thing like cleaning your theeth. If you do all this recomanations you will help the planet.
By Patricia Canosa and Bet

·         Do you think pollution is responsible for changes in the weather? Why/not? How much?
Yes, because it produces the greenhouse effect, the exhaust fumes from factories and cars are bad for the forests and it also generates the acid rain, which kills the fish in the sea and the plants in the ground. This is very bad for the planet because a lot of animals are in danger, but we can do something.
If we don’t do something the ice of the arctic will disappear, and the earth will get a few degrees warmer.
By Miquel Company and Hector Félix

·         How much rubbish do you and your family produce each week? What can you do to reduce this?
Every member of the family produces 13 kg per average
and totally for family produce 52 kg each week.
 For reduce the kg of rubbish we should bring the glass bottles to the bottle bank another thing is print at double side. Other form for recycle is save the cap of the bottles and give to a ONG for help with projects.
All the people have in house old clothes we can give the old clothes to the church for the homeless.
By Rita Fernández and Jordi Digon

·        Which ecologycal disaster do you remember? Why do you remember them in particular?
Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic tropical cyclone of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It was the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the five deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the United States. Among recorded Atlantic hurricanes, it was the sixth strongest overall. At least 1,833 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods.
The hurricane formed on 23 of August and dissipated the 30 of the same month.
Because was the most important hurricane that we remembered and caused a lot of victims.
By Sergi Ferrando and  Ana Manzano

Be a dustman has always been difficult because a lot of people laugh at them. But dustmen are really important to keep the city clean and if they weren’t, the city will be nasty and dirty.
We never would like to be a dustman because we don’t like this job. In fact there are good things about this job. They won a good salary and people without schooling can work. But in the other side this job has always been contempt because the job seems dirty and nasty and the workers usually are not really intelligent.
So in conclusion we think that be a dustman will be the last thing we have to do.
Albert  Edo & Pol Vidal

·         Something which is rubbish to you may not be rubbish to someone else; for exemple , old clothes. Do you ever give you old clothes to charity instead if throwing them away? Why/not?
When we do cleaning of clothes of summer or of winter and goes us small or that no will put it to us bring it to charity or how a type of rubbish that collect the clothes and bring them to centres etc..
This type of container can find it the street beside the rubbish , markets , big warehouses , commercial centres , schools , centres that help to the people that needs it. 
For Barcelona can see of different colours already are of green colour , yellow , orange or blue with drawing of a hook.
By Anna Cervera, Marcos Jover and Laia Padrós

·       Which ecological disaster do you remember? Why do you remember them in particular?
We remember the tsunami in Filipinas, we remember a lot this tsunami because in Filipinas have a bad economic situation and the human helps are very slow and the people have serious hygienic problems. The problem is very serious for the all population because 1.5 million of children have check food risk.  Also we remember the tsunami in Haiti because in Haiti the situation is very bad than Filipinas, and the disaster in Haiti was more disastrous. We decide to explain this ecological disasters because we remember a lot this disasters.
By Marc Navarro-Soto and   David Sagristà

·         Smog is only type of pollution; what other types are there? which is the most serious? How can these types of pollution be reduced?

Smog is a type of fog forms when there are large quantities of smoke.
There are acoustic, atmospheric, etc..
Extracting not Smoke

·         Do you think that replanting schemes are important?Whose responsibillity is to replant trees?

We think that replanting shemes are important because is the form to increase vegetation. The most vegetation has disappeared  mainly by desforestation and this also causes the reduction of animals.
The trees create oxygen and allow us to live, his is very important for reforestation.
We have a responsibility to planting trees, because they give us oxygen without trees we couldn’t live.
We need the wood for the trees to create our furniture, but also think that we should not take advantage of this privilege.
Sometimes the appearance of fire due to the disappearance of many trees and overgrown.  Many of these fires are caused by humans.
Finally we think that we should all plantation trees that were used for our benefit, or even the cause of fire.

·       Which ecological disasters do you remember? Why do you remember them in particular?
In 2006, Florida, experimented a tornado, as usual with it tropical weather.  It wasn’t so catastrofic, only a few trees were destroyed, some of roofs of houses or a bad experience for the people that lived it. The streets remained flooded.
We choose that question, because on of them , Paula, was there with her grandparents, was  an strange experience, they couldn’t leave  the hotel or where  tourist were.
All was a difficult experience.

·         Do you think pollution is responsible for changes in the weather? Why/not? How much?
We believed that if. Because not recycle, then it is difficult to separate all the rubbish thrown into bank. Therefore we ask that recycle to facilitate the work. If you do not recycle, our planet and pollute the atmosphere and weather changes will.
By Irene Esteve and   Júlia Juvé

·         Would you like to be a dustwoman? Why or why not? What are good points and bad points of the job?
We have been thinking about it, and we decided that we don’t want to be dust women because it’s a very dirty and exhausting work and it has always been despised by the society,  that's the reason why we would like to work with another kind of jobs.
A good point of being a dust man/woman is that you contribute to respect your city while you’re cleaning the streets or recycling rubbish , and this prevents the ecological disaster. Otherwise, one of the bad points of being dust woman is that they have to work in the streets many hours, and in winter it could be wrong for your body sistem (you can get ill).. Anyway, we don’t like this job!!
By Marina Cruz and  Júlia Garcia

·         Would you like to be a dustman/woman? Why /not ? What are the good points and bad points of he job?
We don’t really like to be a dustman/woman because we prefer to have a degree and a better job. But dustmen are necessary in our cities to get a cleaner and healthier life.
There is the topic that the dustmen have  a low culture people, but it’s not necessary true because they do a great work for the citizens.
The good points of this work are that you are at the open air all the day and that is not a bad remunerate job. You meet a lot of people and you learn to appreciate things watching every day what people throw away.
The bad points are that you are all the day in contact with rubbish which it can be injurious to health. And in the cold days you have to be outside getting cold.
By Carla Biarge and Ferran Casals
·         Exhaust fumes from cars contribute to smog. Should we try to use cars less? Can you imagine life without your car? How would it be different?
We can to try because cars aren’t the only transport, we can go with bus, train, plane, etc. Another method of transport is the bike but a lot of people prefer the car. But it’s true that car is the most comfortable and is one of the only vehicles we can have. Today the inventors are inventing new cars that do not pollute; the electric cars. Cars that charges with electricity, one energy that do not pollute.
I can’t imagine my life without car because is the first vehicle I think if I need to go somewhere. It Almost is the only vehicle that my family use and the only we like to travel.
By Arnau Balaguer and  Sergi Mateo

·       Being a dustman
We wouldn’t like to be a dustman because it’s a very boring and dirty job.
We prefer to work in a  job  that require studies and spend our live in the office or inside a building, not in the street!
The worst thing is that people sometimes laugh at you because you clean the street and seem a poor person.
There are some goodpoints too:
You have to remember that at least you have a job and you’re well paid, because in the current crisis there are a lot of people unemployed.
Finally we think that is a good job if you don’t  like studying and use you intelligence.
By Gabriel Olivares and Roger Vall


Sunday, November 17, 2013